相模大野駅から徒歩1分 Googleも福利厚生として採用した、今話題のブラジリアン柔術+総合格闘技の道場です

Thursday Class!

  • 2018年10月26日
  • 2022年8月3日
  • 未分類


I’m Kohira, Thursday’s instructor!!

We are getting members day by day.

Since Yamato branch is close on Thursday, we have a lot of members on Thursday!


From mat exercise to base movement.

Escape from knee on the belly.

Escape from side controll!!

Women get a hustle!!

Someone said that you need to work out to solve the problems.

In Jiu-Jitsu, shrimp and bridge are the solution!!

This is me and my master’s common opinion.


At last, spurring!!

Dojo’s window got fog!!

We have a lot of beginners, so spurring time is short.

If you work hard more, or you have a confidence, choose a partner who tie a color belt!

Black belt taught white belt(beginner) how to Jiu-Jitsu.

Thanks a lot!!

What a nice environment. To be honesty, I jealous.


Since we just open our gym, we’re practicing basic movement.

You can join a class on Friday with T-shirt and Half pants.

We’re really happy if you came!!

Only ¥3000 monthly fee on October!!

We’re looking forward to meeting you all!!

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